Making Aras Innovator What You Want It to Be: Imperial Brands' PLM Transformation

Streamlining Processes and Enabling Customization: Imperial Brands' PLM Transformation

Imperial Brands previously grappled with significant challenges due to a highly fragmented product lifecycle system landscape. Different teams and departments operated in silos, using disconnected tools and systems, hindering collaboration and efficiency in end-to-end processes. The need to manage vast data volumes and comply with diverse global regulations demanded a comprehensive PLM overhaul. Embracing the Aras PLM platform offered a feature-rich solution to address their collaboration issues and fragmented systems.

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Streamlining Processes and Enabling Customization: Imperial Brands' PLM Transformation

Imperial Brands previously grappled with significant challenges due to a highly fragmented product lifecycle system landscape. Different teams and departments operated in silos, using disconnected tools and systems, hindering collaboration and efficiency in end-to-end processes. The need to manage vast data volumes and comply with diverse global regulations demanded a comprehensive PLM overhaul. Embracing the Aras PLM platform offered a feature-rich solution to address their collaboration issues and fragmented systems.
