Achieving the Business Value of Cloud PLM

Achieving the Business Value of Cloud PLM

Cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) is the clear path forward for enterprise software, and the cloud transition in PLM is underway. According to a recent survey, about ¾ of companies now favor, prefer, or mandate the cloud for new software selections. 

Using data collected from their industry research and multiple surveys, Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity discusses why companies should take a "solution first" rather than a "cloud first" approach for their cloud migration strategy.

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Achieving the Business Value of Cloud PLM

Cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) is the clear path forward for enterprise software, and the cloud transition in PLM is underway. According to a recent survey, about ¾ of companies now favor, prefer, or mandate the cloud for new software selections. 

Using data collected from their industry research and multiple surveys, Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity discusses why companies should take a "solution first" rather than a "cloud first" approach for their cloud migration strategy. 
