ALM and PLM: The Innovation Twins


Accelerate your new product introduction with the innovation twins ALM and PLM. Many products are becoming smarter and more complex, increasing the number of lines of code and dependencies between hardware components, sub-systems, and the system in its entirety. People across different disciplines must work together to make systems work together in a reliable way. The different engineering disciplines involved typically work in specialized tools: software engineers work in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) systems, electrical engineers in data management tools, and mechanical engineers manage data in their PLM system. Knowledge sharing and data exchange between these systems is often poor and results in substantial manual overhead.

Together with PROSTEP and their OpenPDM Integration Platform, we will show the collaboration between ALM and PLM. The out of-the-box connectors of OpenPDM integrate product data for better, faster, and more efficient product development.

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Accelerate your new product introduction with the innovation twins ALM and PLM. Many products are becoming smarter and more complex, increasing the number of lines of code and dependencies between hardware components, sub-systems, and the system in its entirety. People across different disciplines must work together to make systems work together in a reliable way. The different engineering disciplines involved typically work in specialized tools: software engineers work in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) systems, electrical engineers in data management tools, and mechanical engineers manage data in their PLM system. Knowledge sharing and data exchange between these systems is often poor and results in substantial manual overhead.

Together with PROSTEP and their OpenPDM Integration Platform, we will show the collaboration between ALM and PLM. The out of-the-box connectors of OpenPDM integrate product data for better, faster, and more efficient product development.

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